The Level of Crystal Power

The Level of Crystal Power
Crystals have frequencies ranging from earthy and dense to heights, lightest vibration. To reflect this, Judy Hall, the writer of the Crystal wisdom Healing Book, divided into five vibrations: Earthy, Healing, Cosmic, Integration, and Interactive. No one vibration is better than any other. They simply have different applications. Earthy Vibration tend to work well at the material level of being: to physical body and the world around you. Healing Vibration assists you in understanding the effect of your mind and your soul's needs on your body, showing how to return to a state of well-being. Exceptionally high-vibration Cosmic works the level of the soul and opens your intuition. There are also crystals that bridge the material and subtle multidimensional worlds: these are the Integration ones, and their job is to step down higher frequencies so that downloads of celestial wisdom are received here on Erath and to step up your vibrations that you can integrate the guidance and the healing into your life. Finally, the Interactive Vibration crystals offer you practical healing and rebalancing.
This wide spectrum gives subtle layers of healing and meaning to the answers you receive from crystals. Whether using crystals for healing or for divination, consider, when assessing a crystal, where in your life in function best. It is possible to select only crystals that operate in one dimension by choosing and appropriate Vibration or stone; however, incorporating all the stones into your life accesses hidden factors surrounding your questions and offers a multitude of healing possibilities.
By: Maya Moore